Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Study On Seismic Wave - 4065 Words

CHAPTER -2 REVIEW OF LITRETURE 2.1 Introduction Most of today’s producing naturally fractured reservoirs were discovered accidentally, they were found by somebody who are looking for some other type of reservoir. Significant volume of hydrocarbon resides in these reservoirs. But these are abandoned particularly in fields because improper testing and evolution or because the wells did not intersect the natural fractures (Aguilera, 1998). Attempts have been made to quantify properties of such reservoir (Chaki et al., 2014). It has been long recognized that the presence of naturally occurring fracture network can lead to unpredictable heterogeneity and anisotropy within many reservoirs. In past geophysicists acquired and processed P-wave reflection data at short offset, which automatically implied relatively small angular ray coverage. So seismic anisotropy, which is defined as directional dependence of elastic properties of earth remains unnoticed. But with the advance of methodologies, acquiring long offset and multi-compone nt data become feasible and cost effective, anisotropy showed up. Seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous medium is discussed by Chabak et al., 2012. On a smaller scale, stresses in the Earth can cause rock to fracture in a consistent manner. If these fractures are aligned, the rock will be anisotropic with the fast direction parallel to the fractures and the slow direction perpendicular to them. In ideal cases, these observations can provideShow MoreRelatedA Study On Seismic Waves1888 Words   |  8 Pagesabout Seismic waves in relation to Earthquakes. In other words, we’ll be looking at Seismology, which is the study of the passage of elastic waves through the Earth. Seismic waves are waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion; these waves are the energy that is transmitted through the earth which is recorded on seismographs, which measures, amplifies, and records the motion of the ground (Endsley, 2016). Many different processes generate seismic waves, includingRead MoreThe 3d Seismic Survey Of East Godavari Mangrove Area1336 Words   |  6 PagesThe 3D seismic survey in East Godavari mangrove area has short-term effects on the environment. The surveyed area includes the main six reserved mangrove patches in East coast of India and the process of lying of geophones cables and shoot hole drilling for 3D seismic exploration may lead to the destruction of habitat through clearing the vegetation. 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There are a number of relations which have been proposed to do this inversion. These relations have been derived from the basic Zoeppritz equations which are nonlinear. In order to be efficiently incorporatedRead MoreSudden and Violent Shifting of Tectonic Plates Cause Earthquakes929 Words   |  4 PagesEarthquakes are a natural phenomena caused by the violent and sudden shifting of plates along tectonic boundaries. Movement of tectonic plates releases stored energy producing seismic waves, which travel through the solid rock of the upper layers of the earth’s crust. Earthquakes occur along belts, circum-Pacific or Alpine, located near the edges of tectonic plates. Energy released by the interaction between two plates can produce severe damage to the surrounding environment. Earthquakes occur alongRead MoreMy Experience On My Life1719 Words   |  7 Pagesplates meet is a hot zone of seismic and volcanic activity. As you can imagine a large amount of tension is created where plates rub, subduct, or separate as the plates get caught on each other and eventually build up stress. Earthquakes happen when this stress releases, or when a sudden shift on the fault line occurs. The place where the movement takes place is known as the focus. This is where a large amount of energy is released in the form of a series of seismic waves (Earthquake). There are twoRead MoreThe Chile Of Peru And Chile1149 Words   |  5 Pagesthat happen due to human cause or are a direct result of a natural event. As a whole, the Peru-Chile Trench has had a huge effect on both timelines, as there are two massive tectonic plates, one being subducted in an ocean. Therefore, there are many seismic events that have taken place on our geologic timeline and at the same time shaped our his toric timeline. The most recent large-scale earthquake along the Peru-Chile Plate was the 16 September earthquake, which happened in 2015. It measured an M 8

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